Geyser’s, Glaciers, and Waterfalls

OK…if your world revolves around  Geyser’s, Glacier’s or Waterfalls, you have found the ‘Honey Hole” in Iceland. As I’ve said from the beginning of the Iceland trip, this is a spectacular country for natural scenery….nothing compares. I thought I’d post some photos of what I consider to be some of the highlights.


Lets start with Geyser’s…


The wait for the geyser

The wait for the geyser



Its OK, but sure not 'Old Faithful"....happens every 5 minutes

Its OK, but sure not ‘Old Faithful”….happens every 5 minutes

By the way…Luke had to be up on the front line and got drenched …..made my day!!!


Now on to the Glaciers..


This is one impressive glacier...looks like  a waterfall

This is one impressive glacier…looks like a waterfall

Look closely as there are ice climbers walking on the level part…gives you a perspective on the size! Also, notice the blue hue to the ice


Ice pieces from glacier drifting out to sea

Ice pieces from glacier drifting out to sea



Luke and Leo on "ice burg beach"....

Luke and Leo on “ice burg beach”….

Yours truly....yes it's cold

Yours truly….yes it’s cold

Glacier chunks on a black sand beach....

Glacier chunks on a black sand beach….


Now on to waterfalls: of the most popular in Iceland

Gullfoss…one of the most popular in Iceland


This was a great waterfall as you could walk behind the falls as well

This was a great waterfall as you could walk behind the falls as well



Side view behind the falls

Side view behind the falls


End of the day

End of the day


As you can tell by the photos, it was overcast, rainy, windy and cold….but still outstanding scenery……life is good