We left Cedar Rapids, IA this morning bright and early and full of oil (motor oil that is) and arrived in Auburn, IN around 6:00 PM just in time for an informal club dinner. Then it was off to down town Auburn fora casual on the street car show to meet the other attendees and pound a few brewskies. It was pretty amazing to see a street full of Cords, Auburns and the king of them all Duesenburg……..in the 30’s, these were the cars driven by movie stars, studio moguls, and business titans. The value of some of these cars is in the millions !!!
Our Auburn ran great all the way today with NO oil leaks. I think our problems are finally behind us and we are good to go for the remainder of the adventure, including the return trip to SF ( approx 2500 mi). If not we may turn the car over to an oil recycling station to avoid an EPA citation and mount the Silver Dog (Greyhound Bus for those not familiar with luxury travel).
We will actually be in one place for the next 3 days, so will try to post some still pics of the drive out and car show.
More later…..The Foster Farm Chicken Team