After our visit with Klaus and Mia we headed we made a stop in Hamburg on the way to our overnight at a small B&B in Tonder, Denmark. Hamburg is a great port city that for whatever reason is often overlook by tourists. One of the must see’s is Miniature World, especially if you are into model railroads. It occupies two complete floors in an old brick warehouse right on the main canal running through the city and features miniature displays of major cities throughout the world, complete with trains (of course), airports (planes actually take off), container ships that move, etc and all done to exact scale….I’m nor really into that kind of thing, but even I was impressed. A couple examples are shown below….this place is huge and you could easily spend the day.
The other cool thing is the display lighting changes from day to night and back to day as well….I’m sure this was way better than the French Fry Museum we bypassed!
After a few hours here, and a short walk in the city center we headed for Denmark, stopping at the Germany/Denmark border to pick up some liquid refreshment. It seems that beer in Denmark is very expensive compared to Germany, so half of Denmark drives to Germany to by beer…..I’m not talking a case or two, I’m talking pallets! Ground zero for all of this is called Scandia…it makes a Super Walmart look like a rest room. Anyway, after a quick stop there for milk and cookies we headed for our B&B in Tonder, DK.
Tonder dates back to around 1200 and was best known for it’s lace work and farming….interesting combination, anyway a very picturesque small town. We ended up staying in a 2 BR home owned by the B&B that our guide Karen stayed in nearby. Being it was Leo’s B’Day, Karen cooked a great pasta dinner in his honor….perfect end to a long day.
The roadster is still running great and the weather has been super…sunny and warm. In fact, Germany has said it’s one of the warmest on record. Needless to say it’s great to have A/C in the car…..NOT!! I only wish it was so…it just adds to the driving experience of having a sauna on wheels. It’s like living in an Indian Sweat Lodge in Death Valley!!!
All for now