John shares his World Auto Tour experience as a guest on the Peninsula Television series Real Estate with Bobbi Decker.
Author Archives: JohnQ
“Old Cars Weekly” Article…..Part 2
“Old Cars Weekly” has just published Part #2 of the two segment article they wrote on the “World Auto Tour 2014”. Part 1 published in it’s last issue covered Leg #1 of the world tour (San Francisco to Paris); Part 2 covers Leg #2 (Paris to Iceland) and Leg #3 covered America (Plymouth, Ma to San Francisco via the Yellowstone Trail). Once again Angelo, editor of “Old Cars Weekly”, did a great job on the article….check it out on
I also just finished a four part video interview discussing some of the tour challenges and highlights….I’ll have more info on that once it’s been edited and online.
Hope everyone has a GREAT holiday season…..
John Quam
Old Cars Weekly 2 Part Article……
Map of Leg #1 World Auto Tour….
The automobile publication “Old Cars Weekly” has just published part 1 of a two part series on Leg #1 of the World Auto Tour adventure. The article, written by their editor Angelo Van Bogart, did a great job of taking an over 2 hour rambling phone interview from me and turning it into something entertaining and readable….well done Angelo!!! Please check his article out at Let us know your thoughts and feel free to ask questions …….use the “contact us” on our web page.
Also, please check back to the website in the near future as we are working on some new and exiting world tour follow ups!!
John Quam